Friday, June 20, 2008

OS Kelp

Last weekend, the FDH crew headed out from North San Diego County in hopes for ghosts and yellows. Fred and Link went out with some friends while FDH scooped up Ryan and Doug, our favorite Fathomier, to join us on the Fishmaster. The two vessels launched simultaneously, and the race to the kelp was on!

A happy seaman
A rocket scientist joins us... Doug was able to show us a few pointers while tolerating our juvenile shenanigans...Both vessels united temporarily to discuss our findings, or lack thereof. While Jordan was inspecting one of JBL's latest guns, he slipped and scrambled, and finally ended up in the water fully clothed. He claims he did it on purpose to liven things up and garnish the morale, but we know better.
We all enjoyed watching an episode of Jordan vs. Ocean
Fred, Guy, and sons wishing they were amongst the seamen on our poop deck

A couple of young Calico went the way of the grave in style, and the local kelp paddies made for excellent hunting structure, but the visibility was so poor (even for WSB) that we ended the dive early and took up paddle boarding.


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