Monday, July 27, 2009

Captain Delivers

25# Yellowtail. Frederic proves to be the real thing... yet again.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Dad's gone, let's party

Overnight to Catalina. We arrived to the east end just in time for a late evening dive, before the sun set. We dove hard - the pressure was on to find something to bbq for dinner. We were unsuccessful.

On the way to Avalon Harbor, we were approached by Fish and Game in a speedy boat; they were eager to climb aboard and inspect. The opali sitting motionless on the poop deck was of no concern. They checked our licensed, inspected our cubby holes, and then left us in peace.

We decided to get a morring in the harbor. When we secured our station, a crew member, who will remain nameless, set out on a mission: get the crew to land in time to watch a movie in the theater.

We were desparate for a night on the town - Avalon style - later, we'd realize that our expectations were set too high. The plan was sound, the plan was solid: just swim over, untie the small boat, paddle it back, pick up the crew, go back and dock the boat, and walk peacefully onto the lush streets of Avalon. Sounds easy enough. Our brave crew member set out...

It's hard to see above, but the boat was in reach and the plan was coming to fruition... that is until those pesky teenagers that worked for the private yacht club caught us. They argued, cursed, and mocked us, until the harbor patrolman was called. We explained our innocence, and we had just escaped a night in jail.

Desparate still to walk the streets and get a feel of land under our feet again, we called for a shuttle.

Jason looks refreshed after a tasty order of nachos.

After a disappointing showing in the town, we decided we'd be better off with grilled hot dogs and hot chili - Jordan's specialty.

Eric is enjoying the last of his fountain drink.

Probably my best night sleep on the boat to date... First thing next morning, we headed to San Clemente island. There was a brief sighting of small sized Yellowtail, but only Calico were eager enough to stick around.

The anchor was about 60 feet down and wrapped tight around an object.

Jordan set out to rescue us once again. It takes shere concentration and will power to dive that deep and wrestle with the line and anchor. With several deep breaths, he primed his lungs and plunged into the depths.

We made our way back to Catalina to gas up and fish. With one shot, Jason nailed two baracuda. Jordan and Tom delivered Calico.

Look at the size of that fish! New world record?

Jordan rescued the crew from absolute disaster. Jason and Tom held Jordan's legs as he disassebled the propeller and installed a replacement.

We were out in the middle of the ocean with our fate hanging tough in the hands of Jordan.

Operation was a success. We landed safely into Hunting Harbor. Jordan was the MVP of the trip.

Friday, June 5, 2009

calico again

The stakes are always high when these guys head to the sea. However, this trip was pretty uneventful. We did round up our usual suspects - a handful of Calico. Do White Sea Bass exist?

Jordan secretly plots to overthrow the captain... but does he have what it takes to provide the demanding crew soft boiled eggs, boiled yams, brie and baguettes, and the ever-famous busy, protein pancakes? I don't think so.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Santa brought the Fishmaster a brand new fish bag - big enough to transport several Calico, YT, WSB, Lobster, Bonito, Dodo, etc. all together, all the while saving enough space on the poop deck for the seamen to wrestle around. A happy and very cold crew - so cold a couple of the FDH stayed out of the water.
College boy Link was the first to get in the water. He was anxious to swim and was playing in the kelp beds by himself for a while before he spotted a nice sized white sea bass. He approached the sleeping beauty, but wasn't able to get a shot off before the ghost was spooked.

We had to cuddle closely to keep warm on the poop deck; it's ok, as long as there is absolutely no eye contact made.
A couple of browns came to investigate our activities... we tried to feed the wild animals, but they apparently don't like Hawaiian bread rolls - so picky.

The discussion on board was thick, but we've promised that whatever happens on the poop deck, stays on the poop deck. We left empty handed, but we found some spots we'll enjoy venturing in the near future.