Saturday, January 3, 2009


Santa brought the Fishmaster a brand new fish bag - big enough to transport several Calico, YT, WSB, Lobster, Bonito, Dodo, etc. all together, all the while saving enough space on the poop deck for the seamen to wrestle around. A happy and very cold crew - so cold a couple of the FDH stayed out of the water.
College boy Link was the first to get in the water. He was anxious to swim and was playing in the kelp beds by himself for a while before he spotted a nice sized white sea bass. He approached the sleeping beauty, but wasn't able to get a shot off before the ghost was spooked.

We had to cuddle closely to keep warm on the poop deck; it's ok, as long as there is absolutely no eye contact made.
A couple of browns came to investigate our activities... we tried to feed the wild animals, but they apparently don't like Hawaiian bread rolls - so picky.

The discussion on board was thick, but we've promised that whatever happens on the poop deck, stays on the poop deck. We left empty handed, but we found some spots we'll enjoy venturing in the near future.

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